Episode 331

Jeremy Lasman, Imagination Technology at The Passion Company

Published on: 26th August, 2024

In this enlightening episode of "Your World of Creativity," host Mark Stinson delves into the fascinating intersection of imagination and technology with guest Jeremy Lasman. Jeremy, the founder of The Passion Company and a former SpaceX technologist, shares his vision of elevating humanity through what he calls "imagination technology" and leading a passion revolution.

Jeremy's Website

@1passioncompany on Instagram

Jeremy on YouTube

Jeremy's Facebook page

- **Body, Mind, Spirit as Technology:** Jeremy introduces the concept of treating the body as hardware, the mind as software, and the spirit as the user interface, creating a holistic approach to human potential.

- **Passion as Fuel:** Unlike the fear and negativity that drive the survival of the fittest, Jeremy advocates for passion as the primary energy source for human evolution.

- **Scarcity vs. Abundance:** Jeremy discusses how creatives often struggle with scarcity mentality and how shifting to a mindset of abundance can transform their approach to work and life.

- **Personal Development:** Sharing his personal journey, Jeremy emphasizes the importance of self-discovery and personal growth in overcoming negativity and embracing a passion-driven life.

- **Imagination Technology:** Jeremy explains the new operating system he developed, which challenges the traditional survival of the fittest paradigm and promotes a cleaner, passion-driven energy.

Pull-Out Quote:

"Passion is the fuel of human energy, and especially what distinguishes humans from animals and machines." - Jeremy Lasman

**Resources and Next Steps:**

- Take the "Energy" Quiz at thepassioncompany.org to discover how you can optimize your inner energy.

- Explore the manual and eBook on Imagination Technology for a deeper understanding of Jeremy's revolutionary approach.

- Book a demo call with The Passion Company to see how imagination technology can benefit you.

Jeremy's insights provide a thought-provoking perspective on how we can harness passion and imagination to drive personal and collective evolution. Tune in to learn more about this transformative approach and how it can impact your creative journey.

**Connect with Jeremy Lasman:**

**Special Offer:**

- Save 10% at White Cloud Coffee Roasters with the code "CREATIVITY" at checkout at https://www.whitecloudcoffee.com.

Join us next time as we continue our global journey, exploring the minds of creative entrepreneurs shaping the future with their innovative ideas. Until then, keep unlocking your world of creativity with Mark Stinson.


  Welcome back, friends, to our podcast, Your World of Creativity. I'm Mark Stenson, and we explore the minds of creative entrepreneurs, really everywhere, all over the world, who are shaping the future with innovative ideas. And I'm so happy today to have as my guest, Jeremy Lasman. Jeremy, welcome to the show.

Thanks for having me, Mark. Yeah. Jeremy's the founder of the passion company. He's a creative entrepreneur himself. He's a former space X technologist, and he's really dedicated himself to elevating humanity through this, what he calls imagination technology. And I can't wait to get into that. He's leading what he's calling a passion revolution.

Jeremy, that, These words, these combinations, passion, revolution, imagination, technology, where does imagination and technology overlap? It overlaps in our kind of view that we're treating the body as hardware, the mind. As the software and the spirit as like your user link to the, to your soul, and we're looking at the body mind spirit as one whole technology.

It seems like that's more than a metaphor. You're really seeing it as a technology.

Yeah, it depends on how far you want to take the metaphor into play, like how real you want to suspend your disbelief there and really see it, yeah.

And your background is as a technologist. So you're certainly coming from that background and that, training and vocation.

And then where did you see inserting a passion or where does passion get expressed in technology?

That's a really good question because I think once we're looking at the mind as software, I went to what is the operating system of the human species and what we can go towards the evolution with survival of the fittest.

That's the old operating system, I would say. And then we have to ask what is the fuel of human energy in survival of the fittest? And I would say it would be one of fear and negativity. that undertone or sometimes overtone of the need to survive and being under constant threat and vigilance and security.

It really is driven by fear and negativity. But when I look at it from that interconnected technology that body mind spirit together, I see passion as the fuel of human energy, and especially what distinguishes humans from animals and machines, as we go into a future here with artificial intelligence and everything that is going to bring.

So interesting. I did watch a nice video you had on Instagram about this sort of survival of the fittest. And I thought the other point you made that was worth talking about was how it's driven by scarcity. Sometimes, and boy, don't we creatives have this scarcity mentality creep up sometimes and that, somebody else is going to get the gig.

Somebody else is going to use my idea before I get it out there. Somebody else is getting more likes, more thumbs ups, more clicks that I'm getting where do you think we as creatives. I guess where does the scarcity come from? And then how do we overcome that?

Of course it comes from the operating system.

The operating system drives our worldview in the broadest picture. And so if we don't challenge those limitations then it's going to be unconsciously like running the show. And so the way that I have like experimented or tried to push those limits was really to second guess or question how that natural selection that how the randomized and victimized way of being, because in survival of the fittest, it's like we don't have a choice, we have to be almost give the power to external nature or authority, or these old beliefs and patterns and themes that might present themselves like you're saying with Scarcity and the lack or inadequacy, incompleteness, but if we are truly to shift to a conscious evolution and to test the suspension of disbelief of fear itself and negativity, then we're pushing against the boundaries of, what our worldview can be.

If we're testing more from limitlessness and love, then we start to see a worldview that isn't necessarily scarcity, but more of abundance.

So interesting. And Jeremy were there events or experiences along your life and career that sort of expose this to you, said, I've been going this direction.

I think I want to take a new path. Ooh, you know, if you can think of only one or two

I know that's such a, it's such a big deep deep dive there, but yeah, like I, I can just remember graduating. I was like, right after graduating college, I had just been going through the motions to appease others through school.

And I never really was present. And after college, I realized like. How much of the blinders I was putting out, how unconscious I was of my own desires. And I think I just hit the edge of negativity. And I would even say the neurotic negativity, the pessimism, the cynicism, even the skepticism that would keep me, that kept me in a very low self esteem.

And I just, I was at the edge of it. It it was something that wasn't serving me anymore. And that's what really set me on the path of personal development, of self discovery of really trying to find my love of learning again, really when it came down to it. And that's that kind of propelled the foray into conscious evolution.

Yeah, very powerful. I'm sure many of our listeners can relate to that kind of fork in the road moment, right? Yeah. This passion company that you founded and that you're working on now is I think about the key. Principles you've been talking about, but let's focus on some of the I'll say programs deliverables, what's the hard stuff that you hold onto here and that you.


I love that. Love that question. So as I was as we were laying out that metaphor of the body mind spirit as one whole technology that is where we took that question of okay, there's this been this. this old operating system that has been running humanity forever, basically.

And there has never been a challenger to survival of the fittest. And so that's what imagination technology is it's a new operating system. That is challenging survival of the fittest, and that is what we are delivering at the passion company to lay the foundation the fundamentals for treating passion as a basic human need because we see it as an inner human resource that drives our inner power and should be treated on par like any other utility, water, gas, electricity.

And so we've invented this operating system and then I'm pouring it into the passion company so that it can be delivered worldwide through what we do and give people finally a choice on whether or not they want to be driven by fear and negativity or passion and love. And that evolution, that conscious evolution allows for the tools the new operating system to basically clean your energy so that you can have the best running passion possible.

Certainly as we creatives look forward to the second half of this year, we may be looking for new fuel recharging, reengaging, and I love this idea of revolution because it's a built in re, right? It's a restart. It's a redo. Where would a person begin? You say, I've got to recharge this battery.

Where do I plug in?

The, at the passion company, I, so we've got a few different things. First, if you want to know we have this cool quiz that is how finding out how clean your energy is. So that will give you a starting point of what. kind of, obstructions or bottlenecks or walls are in the way of the energy running optimally, efficiently.

And then you can dive into imagination technology. We've got a manual ebook for it. And then ultimately, if you are interested in upgrading to imagination technology and the training and the mastery of your inner climate for a cleaner energy way of life. Then you should book a a demo call with us and we can show you what it's like, give you a taste and ultimately see if imagination technology is a fit for you.

Yeah. Sounds like some good stepping stones. Where do we find this quiz?

At the passion company. org. Fantastic. We'll take a look. We can put it in the show notes too, if we can.

Yeah. Thinking about revolution it's never easy. And it also means that, we're revolting against the old and overcoming a lot of challenges.

You must be facing your own challenges, Jeremy, and building a company and as an entrepreneur, There's no shortage of opportunities, to overcome and try new things. What sort of things have you found that you needed to push through? You needed to get over some potholes.

Oof. Oh man.

First first I used to be a lone wolf. So the, even the step to create the company to co found it and put, uh, almost take my invention out of my head and give it to the company so that it's out of me, not running through me. That was a big step. And then ultimately, if I go back thematically as a big picture dreamer as like an astronaut outside the box of the norm communication.

Was very challenging for me it was I've gotten a lot better is why I'm you know doing more podcasts I love doing these But early on it was very difficult for me to communicate my ideas and to land them So that other people could I mean see them, you know that was You a huge hurdle to traverse, which ultimately intersects with being able to market.

these things. And so that has been a very difficult process, especially with how like new, and outside the box, I feel this is nothing like this exists. So finding language and meeting people on terms, and breaking it down and speaking concretely, especially as a visionary. has been challenging to say the least.

But I've been practicing and getting better and better. And so that's the testament to being an example of the work.

I feel like we ought to underscore that because again, our listeners being creative practitioners of all kinds, certainly can learn lessons from what you're talking about.

Let's rewind that a bit and translate what your experiences have been into some maybe lessons learned. And I won't call it advice because free advice is what it's worth sometimes. But certainly you say. Based on your experience, what could other creative entrepreneurs take away?

It might feel like an indulgence, a luxury. All the excuses that survival of the fittest and rational, probably concerns would come up that taking the time creating the space, creating the time and space to do self discovery to focus on you, it might feel like an indulgence that you have no time for, but as a speaking as a creative entrepreneur, a creative artist, a must to be able to carve out a space in which you can start to understand.

the things that are dark in, in yourself to dive into, to explore, to adventure, to hit the walls of where the limitations, instead of being scared of them, instead of ignoring them, pretending they don't exist distracting yourself, indulge in self discovery. And that time, as far as I'm concerned, is never a waste.

So my invitation or advice or whatever you want to call it is to indulge in your passion and really. ask big questions and explore your consciousness in areas where there is fear.

who are going to graduate in:

is such a thing as college in:

One in which there is a reduction of Fear and negativity.

Competition. Looks like collaboration. That's an easy one. We're no longer an us versus them species. There is a lot more understanding of each other's differences and originality. It is, as I feel as we go into this future with technology advancing at rapid rates, there is going to be a lot of change. A lot of like old structures that are crumbling, but I feel as we step up and collaborate with this new technology that we can create a world that is more alive is less bottlenecked by.

old performing software because if I parallel, using old computers and gadgets and tech and how slow and buggy and crashy they are. And we parallel that to all the, Problems that are plaguing humanity on a just on a mental health level for a second, right.

We can open up that performance and actually, uh, have the clean energy that we strive for on the external climate, on the inner climate we're talking about a more flowing and. higher performing energy. And I think that across the board will impact health, mental health, politics.

Be a game changer in, in people running a more clean energy. Yes, I love the parallel of the inside and outside environments. The mentors have told me the inside is a reflection of the outside and vice versa. Sometimes our environment reflects what's going on inside for sure.

Thanks for sharing. Thanks for sharing that bold vision. And I guess, Jeremy, as we close, remind us where we can go take that energy and imagination quiz and learn more about what you're working on. Yes, they can check out the passion company dot org and everything is there. The quiz is on the homepage in the services you can book your demo call.

We're there if you have any questions and we got a blog with a bunch of. Cool articles about passion, about conscious evolution, survival of the fittest great resources. And you get, really a taste of the cleaner energy way of life that, that we are striving for.


I love it. I've read many of those articles and they're really good. I look forward to taking this quiz and maybe seeing where I stand, putting practice behind the philosophies. Yes. Yes. Listen, there's my guest has been Jeremy Lasman. Jeremy, I can't thank you enough for being on the show.



It's been a blast. Thank you for having me. Mark. Happy creativity to you and all the listeners.

Oh thanks so much. And I want to also thank our sponsor, White Cloud Coffee Roasters. You listeners, I'm reminded to say that you can save a 10 percent when you use the code creativity at checkout at whitecloudcoffee.

com. And of course, thanks for tuning in to Your World of Creativity. Come back again next time. We've stamped our creative passport in LA today, but we're continuing our around the world journeys, talking to creative practitioners everywhere about how they explore the world of imagination and then organize their ideas and then gain the confidence and connections to launch their work out into the world.

So until next time, I'm Mark Stinson, and we'll keep unlocking your world of creativity.

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About the Podcast

Your World of Creativity
Catalyst of Inspiration, Stories, and Tools to Get Your Work Out Into the World
On YOUR WORLD OF CREATIVITY, best-selling author and global brand innovator, Mark Stinson introduces you to some of the world’s leading creative talent from publishing, film, animation, music, restaurants, medical research, and more.

In every episode, you'll discover:
- How to tap into your most original thinking.
- Inspiration from the experts’ own experience.
- Specific tools, exercises, and formulas to organize your ideas.
- And most of all, you’ll learn how to make connections

 and create opportunities to publish, post, record, display, sell, market, and promote
 your creative work.

Listen for the latest insights for creative people who want to stop questioning themselves and overcome obstacles to launch their creative endeavors out into the world.

Connect with Mark at www.Mark-Stinson.com

About your host

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Mark Stinson

Mark Stinson has earned the reputation as a “brand innovator” -- an experienced marketer, persuasive writer, dynamic presenter, and skilled facilitator. His work includes brand strategy and creative workshops. He has contributed to the launches of more than 150 brands, with a focus on health, science, and technology companies. Mark has worked with clients ranging from global corporations to entrepreneurial start-ups. He is a recipient of the Brand Leadership Award from the Asia Brand Congress and was included in the PharmaVoice 100 Most Inspiring People in the Life-Sciences Industry.