Episode 72
Lauren Heath, The EMPATHpreneur
Meet Lauren Heath, the empathpreneur.
She is a social-worker-turned-entrepreneur with a passion for serving others.
Lauren says, "I was put on this earth to serve, and I feel I am fulfilling my true purpose in life by supporting women and their small businesses. I help them deepen their relationships with themselves and their community through the use of social media and video. I accomplish this through mentoring, group programs and digital courses that help lift up these entrepreneurs up to reach their goals of growth and community."
We talk about her facebook group for small business owners called Social Media Made Simple for Small Biz Owners where she provides simple, easy-to-follow training on social media with free content and social media tips. https://www.facebook.com/groups/socialmediamadesimple
Lauren is hosting classes, webinars -- and offer lots of freebies to help you.